Friday, March 30, 2007


I absolutely love it when it rains. I'm sitting here with Snow Patrol coming out of the iTunes and my office door open to hear the heavy rain and thunder.

I like writing on days like this.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Ironically, I've seen a sudden spike in traffic to this blog. That's really funny to me considering I have been way to busy to post this month.

So what are you telling me? If I shut up, you'll show up?

I do keep this blog updated much more frequently. Starting this week I should be back to updating here regularly. It's been a crazy month.

One thing I want to write in-depth about is 37signals' new product Highrise. I'm in love with it and it's taken my organizational skills to a whole new level.

Another reason to love Netflix

This is another reason why I love Netflix. Not only do they offer a great service at a good price, turns out they treat their employees great as well.

I love this idea that you aren't ranked on the time spent in the office but for the quality of the work.

I need to add Netflix to the list of "People we like" on our new site.

Via AdPulp.

Monday, March 05, 2007


This is shaping up to be one great year. On top of the great things happening at church (you can read more about that here), our largest client, Bruner Motors, has purchased two dealerships in Brownwood, Texas. We've officially begun work for the new stores so this should have a huge impact on the future of the business. I'm also still handling the creative direction on The Business Journal, our other large client which is beginning to grow. In between that, we have a steady flow of smaller design work coming in.

Between these new things and the massive things going on at church, there is a lot brewing for this year.